寒武冀子 发表于 2010-7-16 09:10:39


来源 琥珀百科


In recent years, some jewelry manufacturers have given the name “Caribbean Amber” to an industrially produced green gemstone made from hardened young tree resin, often copal from Colombia.Copal from Colombia is sometimes only a few hundred years old and therefore relatively soft (Mohs 1 – 1.5). But the desired appearance is that of old, transparent green Dominican amber.


近年来,一些珠宝制造厂把一种由坚硬的年轻树脂(通常是来自哥伦比亚的柯巴脂)经工业生产成的绿色宝石命名为“加勒比海琥珀”。而来自哥伦比亚的柯巴脂有时只有几百年的年龄,因此相对比较软(莫氏硬度1-1.5 [加注:琥珀为2-3])。却试图表现出年代久远的透明的绿色多米尼加琥珀的(形态)。

Autoclave Process

In the copal hardening process, the resin is wrapped in aluminum foil, then treated in the autoclave for several hours, increasing the temperature, pressure and heating time. The hardened copal lumps are made transparent by placing so-called water settlers in the autoclave. The green color is obtained by adding water at each stage of the process. After the copal has hardened, the aluminum foil is removed and the hardened resin is cut to produce the desired shape (i.e. bead or cabochon). It is then mixed with talcum and heated again in the autoclave. Thereafter, it can be cut and polished to obtain the desired finish.


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