本帖最后由 hank 于 2011-11-14 00:24 编辑
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在古董店见到一盘黑曜石打造的小刀和箭头,标记为Harry Oda所制,在网络上查到此人是国外公认的石器压剥大师,印第安裔,仍健在,据文章介绍其作品的刃边可以薄到分子级(见附文),他的技法来自印第安人部落(Paleo-Indians),是12,000年前由东北亚迁徙到北美的古人遗留于此。因为该古董铺不给照像,发张极其相似作品的图供赏。也把这位大师的图片和压剥演绎技法的影视一并发上。部分附文:“Harry Oda - Master Flintknapper Regarded as one of the best flintknappers in the world,Harry Oda provided me a wonderful opportunity to spend roughly an hour with himwhile he shaped an obsidian arrowhead. Arrowheads, when made according totraditional Native American methods, can hold an edge one(1) molecule thickwhich under a microscope look straight and smooth. Ancient men (NativeAmericans) used these tools to both kill and prepare food, which provided theirtribes with the means to sustain life. Tools exactly like those created by Odatoday, were used 12,000 years ago by Paleo-Indians, people who wandered acrossthe ancient land bridge from Asia to North America.”
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